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I wish to introduce to you a new concept of generation of Electricity from a medium that is still untapped till date. This medium is neither dependant on bright sunlight nor on fast winds. The beauty is that it does not even cause the deadly global warming and does not use the dying oil reserves either.

Yes, I am talking about Gravity. This is a force that exists all over the world. Even on the highest peak and the lowest trench. It is even helping you now by letting you sit easily on the chair.

The purpose of this paper is to explain a design of a machine that can somehow utilize this gravitational force to rotate the turbines and generate electricity that can be used to light our bulbs, fans, air conditioners and even large machines. Such a machine will keep on producing electricity for ever and ever without the need of inputs like Air, light or fossil fuel. This machine can be so small that it can be installed on the backyard of anyone’s home or on a rooftop that will generate sufficient electricity to meet the needs of the household. And it can be big enough to give power to cities.

As per the general rule, engineers and scientist believe (And I too agree with them) that energy cannot be created. It only changes forms; from mechanical to electricity to heat to light and so on. So, they feel that such a machine can never exist and can not be made. They also believe that Gravity is only a force and not energy, so cannot be utilized to generate electricity or to put to some commercial use. Through this paper, I will try to answer this question and hope what I am saying is true.

The Concept

The basic concept behind this machine is that gravity is a force that pulls everything towards the center of the earth. If something is thrown from the hilltop, it will come down to the foothills. Or, if a load is let loose on top of a spiral path, the load will come rolling down without the need of any additional effort till it reaches the bottom. The important thing to keep in mind is that gravitational force is directly related to the weight of the load. If the load is heavier, it comes down a lot quicker.

So, the basic design of the machine is based on the above principle only. With help of its own weight, this machine rotate on the spiral threads of a rod on which it is placed thereby rotating the turbine and generating electricity.

As shown in the above schematic diagram, with help of support bars, the generator is placed on the top of threaded rods. These rods go through the middle of the electricity generating unit. With help of the weight of the generating machine, it starts to fall down. And since the only way it can come down is by rotating, the turbine inside the generator starts rotating and generates electricity.

I have used the concept of seamlessly interconnecting rods. Once the generating unit falls down, the rod can be opened from above and placed below the generator once again thereby creating a cycle. The rod lifting machine is used to lift the rods upwards so that more and more rods can be connected below.

In the above machine, the electricity input is at 2 locations. One is for the rod rotating machine that opens the rods from top and connects them at the bottom. And the other is in the rod lifting machine that lifts all the weight upwards.

As per the standard knowledge, it is good to believe that these electricity inputs will be more than what the generator will produce. This is because, when the generator is at top, it is loaded with potential energy and when it comes down, this potential energy is converted to mechanical energy and then to electrical energy. And to take the generator back at top with help of the lifter, much more electricity will be used.

My point is that it would be unwise to equate both these motions. This is because, when the generator is falling down, it is not a free fall. The hard to rotate turbine is rotating that would have otherwise taken a lot of force. And when we are lifting the machine, we are only lifting the weight. If we increase the generation capacity of the turbine, the weight does not increase in the same proportion. In effect, we end up getting a positive figure on the net energy calculations.
This type of machine is still on the concept stage, though a lot of activities are in progress for the development and testing of such a machine. The only reason for a delay is lack of funds for the project. If anyone is interested in joining hands, I would be more than happy to work together. Anyone Interested??